COVID-19 Safe Work
All North Jersey Rebar LLC. Company operations must incorporate COVID-19 transmission
precautions into daily safety processes and planning (i.e. pre-job safety briefings) for all aspects of the work. Field operations should continue to evaluate the specific hazards at their job sites
to determine the most appropriate prevention measures as it relates to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to minimize the spread and/or transmission of
Employee Personal
- Actively encourage sick employees to
stay home. Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness, or flu like symptoms are recommended to stay home and not return to work until they are free of fever
(100.4° F or
greater), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 72 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants).
- Employees must notify their
supervisors and stay home if they are sick. They should seek medical attention if they develop symptoms of acute respiratory illness.
Job Site / Office Hygiene, Sanitation, and Cleaning
- Promote frequent and thorough hand
washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer (>60% alcohol) when hand washing facilities are not available.
- Promote respiratory etiquette. Cover
your cough, or sneeze into your elbow, or use a tissue.
- Employees should avoid touching their
eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- If on a project with no running
water, promote handwashing by utilizing an Igloo-type water cooler or equivalent container filled with clean water and labeled "hand washing only". Provide soap and water, paper towels, and trash
- Ensure that adequate supplies of
cleaning products are maintained. Place hand sanitizer in multiple locations or in conference rooms to encourage good hand hygiene.
- Subcontractors shall provide adequate
sanitary/handwashing facilities on the project as well.
- Do not use a common water cooler.
Provide individual water bottles or instruct workers to bring
their own.
- Adequately clean and disinfect
frequently touched surfaces within the workplace daily.
- Clean all high touch surfaces every
day, (including counters, tabletops, doorknobs,
bathroom fixtures, phones, keyboards, tablets, etc.).
- Ensure portable toilets are regularly
cleaned and disinfected. Ensure hand sanitizer
dispensers are filled. Frequently touched items should be disinfected frequently, ideally
after each use (i.e., door pulls and toilet seats, etc.).
- Job site offices, trailers, shanties, and break rooms must be cleaned at least daily.
- Employees performing cleaning will
use proper PPE, such as nitrile gloves and eye or face protection
- Cleaning of shared tools, vehicles,
equipment and other common touch points must be
performed daily, and with every shift or personnel change.
- Empty trash receptacles from the
trailers or the job site daily.
Risk Based Questionnaire and Social Distancing
Monitor fellow employees for signs of illness in the workplace. Managers/Supervisors should ask the following questions to
all employees daily prior to beginning work activities. Negative responses will be noted on the pre-job safety brief form. If an employee answers “yes” to any of the questions or if someone is
showing symptoms, they should be instructed to leave the site before they are allowed to enter an active work area. Managers/Supervisors must follow-up with Human Resources.
- Are you feeling ill? For instance, do
you have any of the following symptoms: A fever? A cough? Shortness of breath? Flu-like symptoms?
- Have you recently traveled outside of
the US to a CDC level 2 or higher travel advisory area (within the last 14 days)?
- Have you had close contact with a
symptomatic person within the last 14 days (i.e., fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath)?
- Have you had close contact with a
person who was tested with results pending or positive for coronavirus within the last 14 days (such as a household member)?
If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, measures will be taken to inform fellow
employees of possible exposure to COVID-19 following Company protocols, and in accordance with the law. The Human Resources Director is the primary point of contact to follow-up with illness related
matters and gather information, including but not limited to other employees whom individuals came into “close contact” with. Based on the information provided the Company will make risk-based
decisions to initiate further action as deemed necessary.
The Company is evaluating the possibility of conducting body temperature
Social distancing measures include:
- Limit crew sizes as much as possible
to minimize exposure potential.
- Maintain a 6 ft. perimeter from
others where feasible and safe.
- Do not hold meetings of more than 10
people. Morning safety meetings and stretching to
continue at a crew level while maintaining social distancing of 6 feet or more.
- Designate a person to record
attendance during safety meetings. Do not pass around a sign-in sheet or mobile device (iPad, tablet, or mobile phone) to confirm attendance.
- Evaluate flexible hours such as
staggered shifts and breaks to increase the physical distance among our project teams.
- Evaluate conditions and temporarily
suspend work activities that involve contact with the public or
entering occupied building or homes (i.e. gas services) as warranted.
- Take breaks and lunch in small groups
less than 10 people or in private.
- Discourage hand-shaking and other
contact greetings.
- Implement controls to minimize the
sharing of tools and use available PPE.
- Restrict personnel authorized to
drive Company vehicles.
- Limit number of employees in work
vehicles. Where possible encourage employees to drive their personal vehicle to the job site.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Gloves:
Gloves should be worn at all times while on site. The type of glove should be appropriate for the task and may
include disposable glove liners (i.e. Nitrile).
- Eye protection:
Eye protection should be worn all times while on site.
- Respiratory Protection:
The CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a respirator (i.e. N95) to protect themselves from respiratory
illnesses, including COVID-19. CDC’s current recommendation is you should only wear a respirator or surgical mask if a healthcare professional recommends it. A respirator or surgical mask should be
used by people who have COVID-19 and are showing symptoms. This is to protect others from the risk of getting infected.
Effective 04/03/2020, the CDC recommended the use of cloth face coverings by all
individuals in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Per the CDC guidance, the recommended face coverings are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. A
copy of the CDC guidance on the use of cloth face coverings is attached. The use of cloth face coverings by workers and visitors on jobsites is now required by certain state orders (i.e., New Jersey)
and, in such cases, must be followed.
NOTE: This protocol is only associated with COVID-19 prevention, it does not pertain to respiratory protection. All work activities requiring respiratory protection shall be in
accordance with OSHA requirements.
- Do not share personal protection
equipment (PPE).
- Ensure used PPE is disposed of
Prohibit visitors to facilities / job sites, including the trailer or office.
If deemed essential, all visitors must be screened in advance. If the visitor answered "yes" to any of the following
questions the visitor will not be permitted to access the facility / job site.
- Are you feeling ill? For instance, do
you have any of the following symptoms: A fever? A cough? Shortness of breath? Flu like symptoms?
- Have you recently traveled outside of
the US to a CDC level 2 or higher travel advisory area (within the last 14 days)?
- Have you had close contact with a
symptomatic person within the last 14 days (i.e., fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath)?
- Have you had close contact with a
person who was tested with results pending or positive for coronavirus within the last 14 days (such as a household member)?
Safeguard Enforcement
Field supervision shall communicate these requirements to all job site crew members and monitor
implementation of these requirements. The Company will provide all necessary supplies to implement these requirements.